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Theft and Lost Animals

Ensuring close cattle tracking is a challenge for most ranchers as a sizeable amount of cows roam in vast areas, especially when the feeding style is free range.

  • DON’T KNOW where my cattle are
  • DON’T KNOW if my cattle are in trouble
  • DON’T KNOW if a cow jumps the fence
  • DON’T KNOW if my cattle are beening stolen
  • DON’T KNOW if my fences are broken
  • DON’T KNOW if my cow are getting sick

Livestock tracking system

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How it works

LoRa GPS Collar
The Collar’s GPS location data will uplink to LoRaWAN gateway according to the schedule you choose , The collar is programmed wirelessly by the network server.
LoRaWAN gateway
Allows access to thousands of cattle trackers. offers various IP backhaul 3G/4G, Ethernet to uplink data.
LoRa Server
Process data uplink from gateway and upload to cattle tracking platform, process and schedule the data transmitted by the platform.
Cattle tracking platform
The platform, which is mainly for staff of cattle farm, can view basic information and real-time position of cattle.

System Features & Benefits


Real-time livestock tracking &alerts.

Create virtual geofences around physical areas to instantly know when an animal enters, dwells for too long, or leaves a specific area. Trigger real-time alerts based on how animals interact with geofenced zones – such as if an animal is in an area it shouldn't be.Give ranchers the capability to mointor their livestock much more closely and act faster in the event of an abnormality in the behaviour and location of their livestock.


Prompt actions to livestock theft, reduce financial los

Thanks to an easy-to-deploy and cost-effective solution, allows ranchers to prevent theft and recover lost livestock, improve livestock monitoring and management based on a very low-power LoRaWAN network requiring minimal investment. Low-cost systems, with guaranteed coverage and unlimited range of action.


Digital management of Livestock

Track and monitor livestock location and movement history, geofencing, inactivity alerts, and more. The digital livestock tracking software provides an array of benefits and security features that can drastically improve your livestock operations and your bottom line. Better manage pasture utilization.